Photo by Monique Berger


1rst International Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Programming for Extreme-scale AI

June 16-17th, 2025 | Paris, France


Exascale machines and clouds are now available, based on several different architectures and arithmetic. Supercomputing and their programming paradigms are no longer only lead by historical computational science applications. Brain-scale applications, such as those arising from machine learning and AI manipulate very large datasets that often lead to distributed and parallel linear algebra problems (such as very sparse non-symmetrical matrix computation, with dynamic patterns), resulting in performance far from peak ones. The notion of benchmarking and performance evaluation, and their evolution, must be adapted to these modifications and to the emergence of new applications from domains which would dominate a large part of the future hardware and software industry worldwide

Therefor AI, including LLM and machine learning applications in general, is currently redesigning the architectures and the distributed and parallel programming approaches: from the chip design, the new arithmetic, the new accelerators to new data structures and programming paradigms, for example. Nevertheless, linear algebra and supercomputing expertise are still required. Convergence between those domains is not guaranteed and we need to build bridges and be able to propose interoperability allowing to avoid separate roadmaps and ecosystems. Decade long researches on distributed and parallel computational science, linear algebra and middleware may be adapted and optimize these new application deployments.

On order to discuss on these challenges, we organize a two-day workshop at Ecole de Mines de Paris to bring together scientists in the fields of HPC, AI and Linear Algebra, or involved in associated applications. The program is composed of Keynote talks, dedicated sessions on distributed and parallel programming programing for AI methods, added with a panel and a general discussion on benchmarking and performance evaluation.


Mines Paris - PSL University

Room: V107

Monday, June 16th

Welcome and Introduction to the workshop (09:30 - 10:00)
Coffee Break (10:45 — 11:00)
Session 1: HPC-Linear Algebra-AI (11:00 — 12:15) [25 min + 5min Q&A]
Lunch (12:30 — 14:00)
Session 2: Performance optimization (14:00 — 14:50)
Break and Poster session (15:35 — 16:00)
Session 3: XXXX (16:00 — 16:50) [20min + 5min Q&A]
Panel Session (17:00 — 17:45)

Tuesday, June 17th

Welcome (09:30 - 10:00)
Session 4: XXXX (10:00 — 11:15) [25min + 5min Q&A]
Coffee Break (11:15 — 11:30)
Panel Session (11:30 — 12:15)
Closing notes (12:15 — 12:30)

How to Get from Orly or Roissy-Charles de Gaulle (CDG) Airports to the École des Mines, 60 Boulevard Saint-Michel, Paris

The École des Mines is located in the heart of Paris, in the 6th arrondissement, near the Jardin du Luxembourg. Here are the ways to reach this address from Paris's main airports: Orly and Roissy-Charles de Gaulle (CDG).

Scientific Coordination

Serge Petiton Lille University, France
Jack Dongarra Uiversity of Tenessee, USA
Nakajima Kengo

Local Organizers

Corinne Ancourt Mines Paris - PSL University, France

Contact Us

Please send any questions related to the DPPEIA'25 workshop to xxxxx